Frequently asked questions.
What does acupuncture help with?
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can help with a wide variety of physical and mental health issues. The most common physical issues see and treat using traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture are back pain, arthritis, neuropathy, knee injuries, headaches and migraines, infertility, cancer related pain, planar fasciitis, TMJ/jaw pain, IBS and digestive issues, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, tennis elbow and rotator cuff injuries. Acupuncture and electroacupuncture are so effective that they can also be used to treat mental health issues like anxiety, depression, addiction, insomnia, PTSD and other trauma related disorders.
Do you have to undress for acupuncture treatments?
If the area that the practitioner will need to access is covered by clothing, you may be asked to undress to your comfortability level. We have blankets, hospital gowns and boxers to change into so you don’t have to bring a separate change of clothes. If a patient prefers to bring a change of clothes that’s more comfortable to wear and allows for the acupuncturist to insert the needles without obstructions, they are welcome to do so.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture does not hurt. The needles are about as thin as a strand of hair and they’re gently inserted about a quarter inch into the skin. You may feel a slight pinch in more sensitive areas but nothing more than that.
Is it possible to get an infection from acupuncture needles?
It’s impossible to get an infection from acupuncture. All needles used are completely sterile and free of bacteria. No needles are ever reused. After the practitioner removes the needles from the area, the needles are placed in a biohazard waste container to be disposed of properly. Being that the needles are so small and inserted just beneath the very surface of the skin, it is not possible for an infection to start at the puncture site. Every treatment room is thoroughly sanitized with antiseptic solutions after the patient has left. All blankets, gowns, boxers, towels and pillow cases are replaced with clean ones immediately after use to be washed at the end of the day. We use dye-free, perfume-free laundry detergent to not cause any allergic or adverse reactions for patients that may have sensitivities.
Does acupuncture have any side effects?
One of the best parts about acupuncture is that it is non-invasive and very safe. There are no side effects associated with acupuncture other than the occasional slight bruising that can occur at the puncture site. Bruising is caused by blood being drawn to the point of insertion. This can happen if a needle makes contact with the tiny ends of a blood vessel, called capillaries. The bruises are not painful, typically heal quickly and shouldn’t be any cause for concern. At our clinic, this is a fairly infrequent occurrence being that our practitioners work very carefully to avoid bruises from forming. If you are a person that is more prone to bruising, this may be more likely to occur.
What if I’m pregnant, is it still safe to receive acupuncture?
Yes, if you are pregnant it is still completely safe to have acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture may help relieve a lot of pregnancy and postpartum symptoms. Along with relieving pain and reducing stress, acupuncture can assist in boosting the immune system, preventing miscarriage and aid in healthy embryo development; so it is recommended to patients especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Always disclose to your acupuncturist if you happen to be pregnant.
Is acupuncture backed by modern/western medicine?
Yes, the efficacy of acupuncture has been emphasized by thousands of western medical doctors and has been studied extensively in controlled experiments. These studies are peer-reviewed and published by highly credible sources and qualified researchers. Here are a few:
What happens if my acupuncturist leaves the room and I need help with something? (drink of water, bathroom break, etc.)
Before your acupuncturist leaves, they will hand you a button that will alert our receptionist and any other practitioners that a patient is requesting assistance. Someone will gently knock on your door and ask how they can help.