We believe healing is facilitated by our ability as practitioners to:

  • Compassionately listen and hold safe space for the patient

  • Provide relevant and effective treatments for the patient’s condition

  • Present patient education that is achievable by offering simple, therapeutic dietary or lifestyle changes

    The patient is responsible for their healing by:

  • Thoroughly sharing their health story

  • Being agreeable to change and receiving the treatment provided

  • Getting regular treatments and incorporating the suggested lifestyle changes and education into their daily lives

At Lifestream Wellness, we believe effective health care is an ongoing partnership between the practitioner and the patient.

two hands touching in front of a field

Treatment Philosophy

Acupuncture has a direct effect on many body systems, starting locally with needle stimulation, spreading systemically. This process affects:

  • Local connective (fascia) and muscle tissue  -  Acupuncture increases local blood circulation, stimulates sensory nerves, and an immune response stimulating lymph flow to the area.
  • Central Nervous System (CNS)  -  Stimulating a release of neurochemicals in the brain called endorphins helping to regulate and decrease pain.
  • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)  -  Activating motor nerves controlling voluntary muscle movement, and sensory nerves stimulating nerve endings that cover the body.
  • Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)  -   By controlling cardiac muscles, the heart rate and blood pressure are lowered, the smooth muscles in the viscera are stimulated and digestion begins, and the endocrine glands are regulated back to homeostasis. 
  • Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems  -  Restoring balance by calming the sympathetic activities (fight or flight) and activating parasympathetic functions (rest and digest
diagram of acupoints on the human body

What is acupuncture?

Why is acupuncture important?

The human body is made to heal itself. When it is functioning at its best, the body is in a relaxed, but aware state. The heart easily pumps blood throughout the body, muscle tissue is supportive but not tense, the heart rate is variable and steady, the viscera are stimulated yet relaxed to support digestion, hormones are regulated and balanced and your immune system can readily handle whatever comes its way. Due to the stress of our busy western society, the influence of the standard American diet, the prevalence of poor work-life balance and poor sleep patterns, most people do not function in a way that supports optimal bodily functioning. Even simple wound healing can be affected when you aren’t functioning your best. Fortunately, acupuncture directly aids in this process. By stimulating the nervous system, increasing blood flow, boosting the immune system and regulating hormones back to homeostasis, acupuncture supports the body in functioning at its very best; the way it is meant to.

Signs that acupuncture is working

Acupuncture is a holistic medicine and affects many systems in the body all at once. Here are a few things to be mindful of after receiving acupuncture. These are the signs that it’s working:

  • Your sleep is better. Acupuncture stimulates the part of the nervous system that helps you rest and digest allowing your body to find that state faster when it’s time for sleep. You may notice that you get to sleep easier or stay asleep longer and have a deeper sleep. You wake up feeling well rested and energized to face the day.

  • You have more energy. It goes without saying that if you are sleeping better, you will in turn have more energy throughout the day. Beyond that, some patients find the treatments relaxing and sedating at first, but have a burst of energy a few hours after the treatment. Moreover, the boost of energy feels more natural and grounded versus the sugar and caffeine-laden high most people are used to.

  • Your digestion becomes more regular. Again, with the stimulation of the “rest and digest" response of the nervous system, you are likely to have more regular bowel movements and fewer bouts of indigestion, constipation, or diarrhea. As a result, you will be getting more nutrients out of your food and your body will be using energy more efficiently.

  • You have less pain. Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers, to help block pain and reduce stress. Endorphins are also associated with feelings of happiness and pleasure. Who doesn’t need more of that?

  • You feel less stressed. As mentioned previously, with the release of endorphins and the stimulation of the “rest and digest" response of the nervous system, acupuncture boosts the mood creating a sense of happiness and relaxation that can last for days after treatment. Furthermore, acupuncture can help balance adrenal functions, leading to healthier cortisol levels which in turn leads to less stress.

  • You are more aware. Whether it’s heightened sensory experiences or a new awareness of your emotions and feelings in your body, everything seems to be kicked up a notch. Some patients report that their sense of everything around them seems to have improved. The sky seems bluer and the flowers smell a little sweeter, while others can have emotional releases either during treatment or after. Both are normal responses to acupuncture but may feel unsettling at first. Treatments can be adjusted, especially for heavy emotional responses, if the sensations are too strong.

woman wearing a beanie and backpack raising arms in front of a large body of water